Fios CLO
Active management approach aims to construct high quality portfolios
The leveraged loan and CLO landscape is constantly evolving with a greater requirement for a broader CLO manager skillset than ever before. The experienced team’s proven track record across European leverage finance provides a distinct advantage for the management of our CLOs.
Sona Fios CLO Strategy focuses on driving steady and consistent returns with a disciplined approach to constructing high quality portfolios by aiming on i) capital preservation and identifying relative value; ii) minimising portfolio tail risk through active management and optimisation; and iii) utilising Sona’s deep market connectivity.
We seek high quality companies boasting strong fundamentals in various sectors using our cycle-tested, top-down market view with bottom-up fundamental credit underwriting ability. Careful focus is given to assessing the impact of idiosyncratic drivers on price deterioration, rating downgrades or defaults, which is key in mitigating tail risk through different cycles.
Fios CLO Investment Committee

John Aylward
Founder & CIO

Jacob Walton
Co-PM, Fios CLO Strategy

Ludovic Walter
Co-PM, Fios CLO Strategy