All-Weather Credit Long/Short Strategy
European focused, fundamental, event-driven and relative valuation credit strategy
The aim of the European All-Weather Long/Short Strategy is to make steady consistent returns in all market environments. This means constructing a portfolio that is generally light net beta, focused on alpha extraction from opportunities seen across the entire credit spectrum and all capital structures. This strategy aims to make returns on both long and short positions. With rigorous fundamental research and our experienced trading skillset, we seek to construct asymmetric payoff profiles.
We continue to see an exciting and growing investment universe within European credit. The complexity of credit markets allows us to enable outperformance alpha through a variety of avenues, each suited to specific market conditions. To extract risk premia, we are aim to be strategically positioned for upcoming micro and macro catalysts.
The Sona Credit Market Fund (SCMF)
The SCMF is a long/short credit hedge fund focusing on the sizable European credit market, with a mandate to trade the breadth of the capital structure.
Long and short positions, taken across the full spectrum of credit opportunities, are underwritten through a combination of fundamental, event-driven, and relative valuation analysis. We favour liquid instruments and our average investment holding period is measured in weeks to months.