Firm overview
investment manager
Sona Asset Management was founded in 2016, by John Aylward. The firm specialises in investing across the credit spectrum with a primary focus on European markets. Sona seeks to generate positive, uncorrelated returns in all markets and puts emphasis on capital preservation and outperformance at times of stress. Sona’s footprint includes offices in London, New York and Hong Kong.
Our approach
Generate attractive risk-adjusted returns.
The firm’s ultimate objective is to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns using a combination of fundamental, event-driven, and relative valuation investment methodologies. Our combination of rigorous fundamental research and experienced trading skillset is a key differentiator for outperformance in credit markets.
Our team
The fusion of diversity and experience.
Sona has grown to include 50 investment and 54 business professionals, many of whom have long-standing working relationships that go back as far as 20 years for many of the senior members.
104Person team
50Investment professionals
20Average years investment team experience